Internet Transparency Statement

Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership (the “Company”) is committed to providing mobile broadband Internet access (the “Service”) in a manner that fosters an open and robust public Internet.  Subject to reasonable network management practices, in providing the Service, the Company will not: (1) block access to lawful content, applications, or services; (2) block or restrict end users from connecting and using any lawful device of their choosing (provided such device does not harm the network, and conforms to widely accepted and publicly available standards applicable to the service); or (3) unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic.  Company does not engage in throttling, paid prioritization or affiliated prioritization.

Network Management

Like other Internet service providers, the Company manages its network to protect the security, integrity, and reliability of the network, such as to address viruses and malicious content. To do so, the Company uses generally accepted industry standard tools. The Company does not modify the protocols of these industry standard tools. We also comply with applicable law, including laws for the protection of children online and the protection of intellectual property.
Although our network provides substantial capacity, it is not unlimited, and at times of high use, the network may experience congestion. During periods of network congestion on our mobile Internet network, the network may temporarily limit speeds or the amount of data thatusers can transfer based on industry standard protocols, such as the proportionalfairness scheduler algorithm, inherent in the air interface between the customer device and the network. Such management is "protocol‐agnostic," which means that the network does not manage congestionbased on the applications that customers are using. The proportional fairness scheduler is designed to ensure that no one user is denied access to network resources. The Company reserves the right to prioritize traffic based on real time and non‐real time applications during heavy congestion periods based on generally accepted technical standards and measures.
As set‐forth in the Company’s Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), if a customer uses 60% or more of data while roaming off ofthe Company’s network in any thirty
(30) day period, the Company reserves the right to modify the customer’s data plan, or remove customer from Company’s data network.

Network Performance

The Company provides the Service over state‐of‐the‐art wireless radio network inits licensed service area using Evolution‐Data Optimized (“EVDO”)multiplexing techniques, which include Code Division Multiple Access (“CDMA”), as well as Time Division Multiple Access (“TDMA”) to maximize the throughput of both users and the overall system.
Wireless spectrum is shared by all users, and the volume of users and types of use, as well as numerous other factors (such as terrain, weather, and foliage) affect the speed of the Service and suitabilityfor particular applications. The Company’s 3G service typically provides download speeds of 600Kbps to 1.4 MBps and upload speed of 500‐800 Kbps with a potential latency between 55 to 75 ms internally on EVDO Rev A. This is a Typical Speed Range (“TSR”), and is the best approximation available to the Company. Actual speeds may vary.

Pricing and Terms and Condition of Service

Information about pricing and the terms and conditions of service is available at: The Company’s AUP is available Here. The Company’s privacy policy is available Here.
If you have questions or concerns about the Company’s policies or how we manage our network, please contact us at:

Northwest Missouri Cellular – Main Office
1218 South Main
Maryville, MO
Updated: March 2, 2020